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用歌声反省,觉得以后要多多反省,实际行动来支持 【Lady Gaga/Bradley Cooper - Shallow】 by Endr / 逗

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Tell me somethin', girl
Are you happy in this modern world?
Or do you need more?
Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?
I'm falling
In all the good times I find myself
Longin' for change
And in the bad times I fear myself

Tell me something, boy
Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?
Or do you need more?
Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore?
I'm falling
In all the good times I find myself
Longing for change
And in the bad times I fear myself

I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now
In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
We're far from the shallow now

Oh, oh, oh, oh

I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now
In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
We're far from the shallow now

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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / 用歌声反省,觉得以后要多多反省,实际行动来支持 【Lady Gaga/Bradley Cooper - Shallow】 by Endr / 逗 +5

    Download this audio file


    Tell me somethin', girl
    Are you happy in this modern world?
    Or do you need more?
    Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?
    I'm falling
    In all the good times I find myself
    Longin' for change
    And in the bad times I fear myself

    Tell me something, boy
    Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?
    Or do you need more?
    Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore?
    I'm falling
    In all the good times I find myself
    Longing for change
    And in the bad times I fear myself

    I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in
    I'll never meet the ground
    Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us
    We're far from the shallow now
    In the shallow, shallow
    In the shallow, shallow
    In the shallow, shallow
    We're far from the shallow now

    Oh, oh, oh, oh

    I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in
    I'll never meet the ground
    Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us
    We're far from the shallow now
    In the shallow, shallow
    In the shallow, shallow
    In the shallow, shallow
    We're far from the shallow now

    • 沙发~ 👍
      • 快点练习,刷屏导读
    • 建议上导读、加精华 🌹🌹🌹
      • 谢谢hubeir兄,祝歌坛乐坛日日高。他们花坛马上要农闲辣😂😉
        • 嗯,他们马上要敲丰收锣鼓了😄
          • 瓦兄来段云端里的嘛
    • 逗有一阵子没放歌了,在反省啥呢?觉不觉得Bradley Cooper长得象Raph Finennes?

      老帅哥 Ralph Fiennes

      • 粘上胡子真像,不愧是文艺女青年,啥都知道:)咱这里是藏龙卧虎啊
    • 反省你自己的骂大街吧。听说你有一段时间身体不适,不会是带毒回来的吧?千里投毒你最快 +10
      • 得狂犬了? +1
        • 太形象了。😂
          • 他是说那个逗得狂犬了 +3
            • You keep telling yourself that. +2
              • Someone just gave me a thumb up, so that means I’m right +2
                • You keep telling yourself that. +1
      • 君好久不见了,可好啊?这里一切都好,勿挂。。。
        • 别这么斯文了,发起疯来那可是河东狮吼都要逊色的 +5
          • 河东狮吼都是跟亲人才这样子的,你是我们的亲人啊
            • 别跟我套近乎了。上次我说你和897102关系不一般,你还问我嫉妒不。 +1
              • 记性真好,我说过?你找他来对质,提你+1了,祝你上+1榜首
    • 好棒!女声明显好过男声,牛!
      • 瞎说话二世:)
        • 应该是瞎3话4。不过真的唱得很好。
    • 好听,btw我是顺着导读进来的 +2
      • 姑 有日子没见了 请安(ღ˘⌣˘ღ)😂
        • 啊?没觉得没见你啊,我一直默默地注视着你:)
          • 是说我有一阵没见你了 是我来得少了:)错过了好多
            • 噢,据说逗又胖了:)
              • 半仙啊:)
              • 逗 片片说话啊
      • 😂😂 +1
        • 看不出这有啥好笑的 +1
          • 你嗓子好了嘛?可以练习了?
            • 在练着呢,进度没你快
              • 那就好,我找了个好些的伴奏,你需要可以给你。btw,我没开始呐:)最近状态不佳,哈~
      • 意思是我给你开的门是吧,嘿嘿,小费呢。
        • 好说好说,下次一起回去喝明前碧螺,可惜今年喝不到
          • 一定得请我洞庭的头铺尖子+黄天荡的螺蛳
            • 最近,老有人冒充上海人,败坏你们上海的美食名声,二郎你去哪里了?
              • 2黑是俺老乡,不会错。那些菜很经典,就是他做得比较跋扈一点:)
                • 有扶栏人口音的老乡?一大串行头,最后是不入眼之物,你也来几道菜踢馆ta
                  • 我恨不得直接在锅里吃菜,味道真。下次有机会,拿那些等外品砸馆解气。
                    • 说好的精致呢:)
                      • 我的优点是说话不算:)
                    • 听着解气,就怕又是一个光说不练的假把式:)
                      • 您猜对啦
    • 粉丝献花🌺!🐂🍒🍗
      • 豪!还带一头牛!看来也要开唱得牛😁
        • 唱唱唱,多唱多得,牛都养得壮壮的放在口袋里呢 😉
        • 你的下一首呐?为美女们服务,时刻准备着:)
    • Support!
      • 谢谢😍
    • 非常非常的带感,每一次听都有不一样的感觉
      • 等老乡你那首歌呐:)
    • 👍 英文歌我一直都不敢挑战
      • 欢迎奶音MM回归,常来常唱啊,跟我们一起唱英文
    • omg一张嘴就是满身鸡皮嘎达,超级好听!
      • 谢谢~向小盆友学习呐,作曲作词不容易,我现在也就学习拿个现有的曲子填词呐:)
    • 唱出了Gaga的霸气 👍
      • 霸气侧漏辣?哈哈哈。。。
    • 哎呀差点漏了逗这首:-) 赞E歌合唱
      • 是紧了些,担心唱不上去不能游刃有余,结果果然是酱:)。以后要多练习气声发音,gaga高音很厚实,我的太虚弱了,显得高辣😂😉😋