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[ Top of the world] by 琳达

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Such a feelin's comin' over me
There is wonder in 'most every thing I see
Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes
And I won't be surprised if it's a dream
Everything I want the world to be
Is now comin' true especially for me
And the reason is clear, it's because you are here
You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen
I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation
And the only explanation I can find
Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around
Your love's put me at the top of the world
Somethin' in the wind has learned my name
And it's tellin' me that things are not the same
In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze
There's a pleasin' sense of happiness for me
There is only one wish on my mind
When this day is through I hope that I will find
That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me
All I need will be mine if you are here
I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation
And the only explanation I can find
Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around
Your love's put me at the top of the world
I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation
And the only explanation I can find
Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around
Your love's put me at the top of the world

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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / [ Top of the world] by 琳达 +1

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    Such a feelin's comin' over me
    There is wonder in 'most every thing I see
    Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes
    And I won't be surprised if it's a dream
    Everything I want the world to be
    Is now comin' true especially for me
    And the reason is clear, it's because you are here
    You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen
    I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation
    And the only explanation I can find
    Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around
    Your love's put me at the top of the world
    Somethin' in the wind has learned my name
    And it's tellin' me that things are not the same
    In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze
    There's a pleasin' sense of happiness for me
    There is only one wish on my mind
    When this day is through I hope that I will find
    That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me
    All I need will be mine if you are here
    I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation
    And the only explanation I can find
    Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around
    Your love's put me at the top of the world
    I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation
    And the only explanation I can find
    Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around
    Your love's put me at the top of the world

    • SF木匠姐叫法第一次听说,真时髦,希望能再次歌淹导读,加油💪👍✌️
      • 加油,多发歌啊逗。
      • 以前就已经一直叫他们两木匠兄妹的。
    • 沙发。没抢到。
      • 板凳😂 忙完了再听
        • 你回得太快,我该贴都来不及了。
          • 哈哈 俺们现在长住歌坛😂
            • 聪明,藏龙卧虎,老猫这几天不在呐:)
            • 长住+长唱就完美了。🌹
              • 😅🌹
      • 都是沙发,每排都是。
        • 果然是木匠,厉害了
    • 木匠姐的感觉完全释放,就是那种特别舒服,特别没有压力的感觉
      • 后海也知道木匠姐呀,感觉你是个小后生呐。😂
        • 我一直说一直说自己是老大爷,你们就是不信。。。
          • 好吧,老大爷的小嗓儿还挺嫩的。😂
            • 我怎么听我自己都是沧桑性感型声线,你再回去好好听听。。。
    • 第四排,音乐会最好的座位 👍
      • 谢谢支持歌台!
    • 👏🐂!为啥叫木匠姐?今天英文歌theme吗?
      • 卡朋特
        • 数字君反应机敏,打字也快。👍
      • Carpenter 呀藤藤。
        • 哦~ :)
    • 👍
      • 谢谢奶音MM,你也来一首吧。我点let it go.
    • 好听。听出儿话音了,北方人的感觉:)
      • 北种南移呐。😂
    • 真好听,经典老歌啊,听着太舒服~~献花!追啥剧啊?三十而立?这句好像最近特别火~~
      • 谢谢华华。我们口味比较重,追的是criminal minds, 15个season, 每个season 二十多集,好大一个project,娃想在明年上大学以前做完呢。😂
        • 厉害👍😊
      • BTW, 是"三十而己"哦亲。😀
        • 嗯嗯对
    • 这个歌听了一个多月是晨练的结束曲,甜美的飘起来跳回家,御姐什么都能驾驭啊。👍
      • 谢谢非非听歌。是不是晨练完了感觉特好,就像 on top of the world? :)
        • 是啊,特别好,这个旋律就是要跳起来转个圈的三步啊☺
          • 三步吗,我怎么听着象四步的?当然我的数学也不怎么好。:)
            • 今天又听, 是四步的节奏😊,反正三步四步都转一下😜
              • 反正是on top of the world, 想转几步转几步。:)
    • 经典老歌味道十足!
      • 谢谢佳佳妈。 :)
    • 好听好听!俺也粉木匠姐,可以点那首“耶苏他爹玩什么”吗?😂
      • 我记得风华玩过的,看看能不能找得到哈😂
        • 刚去找,发现已经无效了,不知为啥,很多以前的歌都失效了:(((((
          • 我也是看到链接地址还在,但歌不见了,可是有些更早些时候贴的歌还在呀。难道耶稣他爹不玩了?
      • 耶稣他爹玩什么😂😂😂,笑晕掉~~太有才了👍🌹
      • 耶苏他爹玩什么来了。
        • 啊啊,有几日没来歌坛,差点错过了偶点的歌... 比起木匠姐的高冷,风华玩得更亲民,能让咱们听众有现场感,好听!谢谢琳达风华和老大帮忙找歌,满足了咱歌迷的点歌要求!👍😄
          • 谢谢你让我知道耶稣他爹玩什么,太逗了:)
    • 好听好听🌹😀
    • 好厉害,那么多歌词的英文歌都唱得顺畅,好听!👍
    • 谢谢韵韵和阳光。